Re: Carl Sagan

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Posted by Frederick Brenion on December 30, 1996 at 20:29:43:

In Reply to: Carl Sagan posted by Amanda on December 30, 1996 at 18:30:38:

: When I subscribed to "Skeptic" magazine over the holidays - the woman who took the call mentioned that they were working on a tribute issue on Carl Sagan much like their first issue on Asimov. It will no doubt be a beauty so I thought I'd share the info. He was a great man and I was looking at other great minds that have died such as Asimov and Russell and a host of others and I'm wondering if anyone has any examples of ones that are alive today - fighting to get science out to the people and perhaps minimizing the effects of religion and mysticism in the process? One I can think of is Stephen J. Gould.

You might want to have a look at Richard Dawkins. His books are very
well written and accessible. He is the English equivalent to Gould.
Some of his titles are The Blind Watchmaker, River Out of Eden, The
Selfish Gene, and Climbing Mount Improbable.

There's a great web page on him at
The funny squiggle before catalj is a spanish tilda.

I'm going to miss Sagan, like Asimov he could explain everything
so well, with wonder and humor.

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